A working group of statisticians, co-chaired by Professor Jon Deeks, at the University of Birmingham, and former RSS ...
A self-management programme to help people cope with fatigue following a stroke is being developed by experts at the ...
A new project from the Museum of Islamic Arts & Heritage Foundation & Culture Forward is giving people a chance to create a ...
Our willingness to help others is governed by a specific brain region pinpointed by researchers in a study of patients with brain damage to that region. Learning about where in the brain ‘helping’ ...
Researchers from the School of Nursing and Midwifery received funding awards for their work benefitting the health and wellbeing of patients and their families.
An innovative doctoral research training network, focused on understanding the transition from robust health to frailty, is being launched by Birmingham.
Birmingham researchers are using cutting edge organ-on-a-chip technology to improve immunotherapy for liver cancer.
A planet between the sizes of Earth and Venus has been discovered by two international teams of scientists, including experts from the University of Birmingham. Gliese 12 b, which orbits a cool, red ...
In April 2024, members of the Culture Forward team were delighted to present at the Jain All-Party Parliamentary Group’s Mahavir Janma Kalyanak celebration at the House of Commons. They showcased ...
Bouts of moderate-to-vigorous intensity exercise could improve the efficacy of antibody therapies for chronic lymphocytic leukaemia, new research has shown.
The new Fellows have been recognised for their remarkable contributions to advancing biomedical and health sciences.
A national research hub, designed to support the UK’s transition to a circular manufacturing ecosystem, is to be established ...