May 31, 2024 -- Summer is all about vacations, travel, outdoor sports and activities, easy living, and having fun – that is, ...
The pill, which is still in clinical trials, has shown the ability to significantly improve sleep apnea in patients without ...
A new study is the first to follow young breast cancer survivors for more than 10 years aftertreatment. The majority of women ...
Ultra-processed foods are associated with higher risk of early death, especially ready-to-eat meat and seafood.
Weight loss drugs like Ozempic and Wegovy have taken the year by storm, with users hyping the extreme weight loss results, ...
More research shows that climbing stairs (and not even that many) can greatly improve health and longevity. Why not embrace ...
May 29, 2024 – Picky eating among children can come out of nowhere. Parents know that a child’s favorite food one day can be ...
More than 4,000 people die from unintentional drowning in the U.S. every year, an average of 11 people per day. The problem ...
In her book "Sex Cells," Phyllis Greenberger says doctors didn’t consider biological sex. If it was successful on a man, they ...
People with HIV may consider breastfeeding their newborn babies because the benefits may outweigh the very small risk of ...
Unlike the first two cases, where patients only had red or inflamed eyes, this farm worker had respiratory symptoms, including a cough, congestion, sore throat, and watery eyes. The worker was given ...
The types of breast cancer found in women under 40 tend to be later-stage tumors, when the disease is more advanced and more difficult to treat.